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nutrition + nourishment

nutrition + nourishment relationship + connection values + intention wisdom + love

Winter Solstice Blessings

June 21, 2022

Winter is the end of the season cycle – the pause before the birth of a whole new cycle.  It is the time of metaphoric death and renewal – the stillness (yin) just before expression (yang).  Everything in nature appears to be lifeless & to have stopped growing.  Today’s Winter Solstice (in the Southern Hemisphere), signifies the shortest day and the longest, darkest night.  This day and this season signify a time to turn inward to the stillness and darkness as a path to find the spark of light that leads us on the path back to the light and warmth as the sun’s warmth starts to grow again.  Surrendering to the stillness on the winter months allows for the potent gestation of the seeds of renewal & to new beginnings. 

To be in tune with the winter months we must become more introspective and storage-oriented; one cools the surface of the body and warms the inner core.  It is time to rest, to meditate deeply, refine our spiritual essence, and store physical energy – in the form of a little added weight for the cold season.  But we must also remember to stay active enough to keep the spine and joints flexible….

Gentle stretching

Our energy tends to become stagnant in the colder weather. Gentle stretching can help to keep the energy moving through our bodies and is a key element of staying balanced and boosting our immunity during the winter months.  Perhaps join a yoga or pilates class or indulge in a few gentle stretches before bed and first thing in the morning.

Energy conservation

Snuggle under the quilt (even if it is on the couch) and indulge in some fabulous guilt-free rest!  Like the bears in their caves, take a tip from nature and take some time out to hibernate.  Conserving our energy when it’s cold outside helps our body to rest & repair and build energy for the warmer months.

Warm, nourishing foods

During winter it is important to keep the chest and lungs warm and relatively dry.  Vegetables that resemble the shape of the lungs are particularly nourishing for them – such as cauliflower, broccoli & broccolini.  Warm hearty soups, whole grains, roasted nuts and steamed wintergreens are also great for boosting your immune system.

Listening to inner wisdom

Flowing on from the slowing of Autumn, the stillness of the coldest months gives us a chance to turn inward and reflect on our wants and needs.  Take regular moments to embrace the silence and listen to your inner wisdom.  Ask yourself where are you heading?  Does your course need correction?  What do you need?  What can you give?  


With Winter comes the season for rest & deep meditation….

Element:  Water
Organs: Bladder/Kidney
Emotion:  Fear
Colour:  Blue
Sense-organ:  Ears
Taste:  Salty
Sound:  Groaning
Cultivation:  Store

Common problems

lumbar pain, hearing difficulties, fluid retention, urinary infections, exhaustion, joint ache/pain


warming spices (cinnamon, cardamom, black pepper, ginger, mustard seed), vegetables that resemble the structure of the lungs – cauliflower, broccoli, broccolini.  Grounding vegetables like carrot, radish, fennel and beetroot.


ice cream, yoghurt, cream, potatoes, bananas, chicken

I invite you to turn inward this Winter Solstice – to surrender to deep contemplation and travel deeply inward, listen to the whispers from the silence within.

leadership + courage nutrition + nourishment relationship + connection transformation workshops

Reflections, New Offerings and Finding Your Why

December 21, 2021

Dear Ones

How are you in these transformational times? Really…how are you?

These past few years have been hard times and have brought wake up calls for many of us in what matters and how we want to live and feel. We need each other now more than ever, I think. I saw a quote recently that said “Alone is hard. Together is better”. That feels good to me. Let’s do that – let’s stick together and support each other in any way we can.

My 2021…

2021 has been both challenging and liberating for me personally. Less so in the external world as in previous years, but very much so in my inner world. I have struggled, and wrestled, and transformed and released. I have pushed myself to grow and extend – to take risks and to let go of old patterns.

Transformation Workshop Series

This year I launched my beautiful and well received Transformation Workshop Series which was a culmination of lessons I have learned over the years for how to live a love-infused life. The three workshops delved into three topics dear to my heart: Creating Sacred Space (daily), Creating Inner Peace (understanding and working with stress and anxiety), and Creating Values for Life (understanding and embracing what we value most). I was humbled and inspired by the love and authenticity that was present in each of the groups that came together for these workshops. I am excited to have created this workshop series and have definite plans for the second round in 2022!

New offerings

2022 is a year of expansion for me and my beloved work through Love Infused Living. I am keen to explore new ways to inspire you to heal and expand into your own truth and potency. My curiosity this year has led me to two powerful threads in my future work – (1) practical ways for finding our purpose; and (2) embodied processing and trauma-informed practices. These interests and training will weave their way into my offerings in 2022, creating new workshops and collaborations. Look out for updates and releases as they come to form over the next few months…

Finding your Why – Program Launch

February 2022 – Introductory Special
Individual session (150 – 180 mins) $185 (gst inc)
Optional Follow up (60 mins) $95 (gst inc)

I am delighted to launch a brand new program – ‘Finding Your Why’. Developed in collaboration with Wellbeing Practitioner and dear friend, Sally Jamieson (Sally Jamieson Wellbeing), this program will offer both group workshops and individual sessions. Our introductory sessions (February 2022) are offered ahead of an inspiring collaborative workshop we will run together in March 2022.

Based on the work of well known entrepreneur and optimist, Simon Sinek, this beautiful process provides a safe and softly structured way to explore what holds most meaning for us through the stories of our lives so far. Your ‘Why’ is your deepest focus and purpose. It is the golden nugget that brings meaning to every choice and action of your life – in business, in relationships, in lifestyle and in love.

My ‘Why’ is what brings me to deliver these programs to you. My ‘Why’ is …
to inspire others to know their own potency so that, together, we can build a world of wholeness and authenticity’

Revealing my ‘Why’ has led me to understand myself more fully, to embrace what has meaning for me and to thread together each aspect of my life with deeper passion and commitment.

Keen to explore your ‘Why’ or my other offerings? I’d love to chat with you more. Comment below or email me at to book a 15 minute clarity call.

Wishing you many blessings for peace and deep presence as this year comes to a close.
Let’s unite in 2022 for a year of clarity and love-infused living.

From my heart to yours,

nutrition + nourishment values + intention wellness + healing

A Time For Reflection

March 6, 2021

Taking stock of our lives may not be a practice we often explore, but the emotional benefits of doing just this can be a truly enlightening experience.  The transition from summer into autumn is the perfect time for slowing down a little, and reflecting on where we are at.

Spend time in nature – breathing beautiful, clean air draws us back to the simple things.  Spend some time walking or sitting in the natural environment and listen to the birds and the stillness.  Why not try the botanic gardens, somewhere in the country or a beautiful national park.

Write a journal – start keeping a diary of your everyday thoughts and feelings.  Bringing our attention to how we feel about areas of our life is a powerful way to reshape our lives for the better.  It can also help to remind us how much we already enjoy about our lives.

Notice your breath – it’s innate in us, and thank goodness it is – but how often do you actually notice your breath throughout the day?  As our stress levels increase so too does our rate of our breathing.  Just by consciously observing our breath in moments throughout the day, we can become more centred and gain greater control in our day.

Meditate – sounds tricky, but it doesn’t have to be.  Meditation is really all about being completely present in our bodies.  In a quiet place, close your eyes and focus on your heart – feel the rhythm as it beats.  Now move through your body from head to toe (or whichever sequence you like) and really feel every part of your body.  It’s a subtle and peaceful feeling.

Draw a mind map – brainstorm all the key areas of your life and how they are working (or not ) for you.  Draw a circle in the centre of the page and label it “My Life”.  Then branch out from the centre with circles containing the major elements of your life (eg. work, family, health, relaxation/hobbies, etc.) and day-dream about how you would ideally like these areas to be.  It’s a great way to get focused on what we really want out of life.


With Autumn comes the season for harvesting and reflection….

Element:  Metal

Organs: Lungs/Large Intestine/Skin

Emotion:  Grief/Letting go

Colour:  White

Sense-organ:  Nose

Taste:  Pungent

Sound:  Weeping

Cultivation:  Harvest

Common problems:  Colds, allergies, sinus problems, bronchitis, asthma, hair & skin problems, unresolved sadness, tension, exhaustion

Recommended:  cabbage, chives, cinnamon, dill, fennel, garlic, ginger, leek, nutmeg, parsley, pepper, radish, rosemary, thyme, turmeric, turnip, spearmint star anise, root vegetables

Avoid: salads & raw foods

Seasonal Foods

If we look at food in a holistic way, we can see that the foods we eat can have a profound effect on our wellbeing.  Choosing to eat foods that are in season is one way to provide our bodies with the nourishment that they need to ensure we stay in optimal health.  Autumn is the time to start cooking foods for longer on lower heat, as opposed to the quick and light cooking methods of Summer.  It’s time for less salads and more soups.

Foods to eat in Autumn are those that strengthen the Lungs and Intestines and are said to have pungent flavours.  Foods and herbs with a pungent flavour are important for the lungs, so it is particularly relevant to eat these in Autumn, when the lungs are most sensitive.

Eating seasonally is about following natural cycles, as energy moves down in Autumn, its also a time to eat more foods that also have downward moving energy, such as root vegetables.

nutrition + nourishment values + intention vibrational medicine wellness + healing

Spring Emergence

September 7, 2020

“The only difference between an extraordinary life and an ordinary life is the extraordinary pleasures you find in ordinary things” –  Veronique Vienne

This winter in the South Hemisphere has been a long one, for all of us. Are you feeling exhausted from the stress of uncertainty and being cooped up inside for months. I’m not sure that we have ever been more ready for newness and sunshine than we are right now. Spring has the energy of new beginnings, having reflected on our previous cycle in the colder months. It is a time for cleansing and clearing, a brand new start.  Are you feeling an urge to get things moving again? Start slowly, try this:

Shift those toxins – spending less time being active in the colder months builds up toxins in our bodies – especially our liver.  To aid the detox process, start the day with 2 glasses of warm water with lemon juice first thing in the morning. For an added boost, continue on with fresh carrot, celery & parsley juice to hydrate your system and cleanse the blood.

Simplify your surroundings – unnecessary clutter and unfinished business weighs us down – quite literally.  Did you realise that an incomplete task on your to-do list continues to drain your energy until the loop is completed (or you take it off your list)? Using this Spring energy to complete tasks and cleanse your body and space will help to bring focus and energy back, and fast! Shift on any unwanted items from your wardrobe, kitchen, home office, garage or wherever your clutter is hiding.  Get enthused about crossing things of that long term to-do list!

Let go of emotional clutter – clear up any relationship tensions and start afresh.  Lighten up by letting go of any unwanted thoughts or feelings that may be holding you back. Try burning the cleansing essential oil, Clove Bud*.

* Clove Bud essential oil helps loosen your attachment to material things and to your ideas about how life is or should be lived.  Burning clove essential oils in your space can support you in clearing out your clutter and creating the space for new experiences in your life, with ease and grace.

Take action – use the extra Spring energy to start on that wishlist of plans and dreams… join the local tennis club, start that art project or book an exciting travel adventure in your favourite part of Australia!  Whatever it is that you’ve been planning to do, Spring is the time to start doing!


Spring is the season for growing and greening…

Element:  Wood, Organs:  Liver/Gall Bladder, Emotion:  Anger, Colour:  Green, Sense-organ:  Eyes, Taste:  Sour, SoundShouting, Cultivation:  Germinate

Common problems

allergies, chest congestion, stomach pain, reflux, nausea, dizziness


raw foods/fasting, green & leafy vegies, spirulina, dandelion, strawberries, fresh juices (citrus, apple, pear, carrot & celery, parsley)


rich & refined foods, alcohol, over indulgence

I invite you to gently emerge from this long, dark winter – to cleanse and embrace a brand new cycle of intention,